Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hair Ideas, finally!

    Hi guys, well, I didn't get 8 likes to my Facebook page so I didn't do the super cool picture blog. But that's ok because I am really excited to do some hair blogs now. For this particular post I will show three medium/short hairstyles and three long/super long hairstyles. This post will mainly be pictures and not much words. I hope that's not a problem.
Selena Gomez
Katy Perry
Vanessa Hudgens
Now that we've covered the short and medium hair, lets move on to the long and pretty long hair!
Blair Fowler
(juicystar07) YouTube
Emma Stone
These are all my favorite hairstyle girls. I hope you all enjoyed it. It's just a little post that took 20 minutes. I have volleyball practice now so I hope you absolutely like my facebook page so when I get home I can post the super awesome picture blog. Thanks
Xoxo Shenae


  1. Hey! It's me Trina! Creator of If you have a polyvore account you should create a set, then when you push publish it should say share to blogger. You can share it and it instantly goes to your blog. After I do that I head over to my blog and edit the post so I can write a little something so it's not just the set and the pieces! I hope this helped. If you need any more just leave me a comment on my blog or leave me an email! tell me how it worked out!

  2. Glad I helped you! It means the world to me that you read every post! You have no idea! Because I believe no matter how many followers I have it would mean nothing if I had no readers! :) Thanks for all your support! Email or comment any time if you have any other questions!

    xoxo beautybarbie16
